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ABC summer team schedule "At a Glance"

(consider participating in the ABC January ultimate "spring training" program)


  • weekly practice and player development schedule: each ABC summer team is schedule for a minimum of one weekly indoor practice an minimum of one weekly team field practice; attend weekly optional specialized skills development workshops; one on one session; take advantage of self-paced workout curriculum's.

  • game/showcase tournament hosts: listed below are several of the premier tournaments hosts that populate the individual ABC summer team schedules. As an organization we target six weekends in the summer to participate in premier showcase tournaments in central Texas. Our parent company, Baseball Solutions, has worked hard to build relationship with many of these premier tournament hosts and brands and serves as a consultant for many.


Texas Showcase League
  • game/showcase schedule: ABC is committed to playing quality baseball, against quality competition, in a quality venue every weekend. Our goal is to play in collegiate venues throughout central Texas every weekend and the event hosts we partner with meet and exceed this expectation. ABC teams are blessed to not have to travel outside of central Texas region (Waco to San Antonio; Kerrville to Brenham/College Station) to participate in the very best and premier showcase events. Below is a general outline showcase tournament opportunities ABC teams will consider:

17U/18U proposed summer showcase schedule

team workouts begin when spring HS season concludes


Tournaments weekends: second, third, fourth weekends in June & July *4th of July weekend off

16U proposed summer showcase schedule

team workouts begin when spring HS season concludes


Tournaments weekends: second, third, fourth weekends in June & July *4th of July weekend off

ABC Game Day commitment (tournament schedule)

We commit to you that ABC will always have a plan to provide maximum Game Day opportunities. We place high value and high priority on executing a first class tournament schedule. Our plan will have the fingerprints of all the previous organizational success; a plan that has made adjustments based on previous failure; a plan that is prayed for and the coaches and I feel confident is in the best interest of your ball player's long term baseball success and character development.


Food for thought about individual summer seasons on your baseball timeline:

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